Alterations in Metabolism

  1. 2. Medication to treat hyperthyroidism
  2. 7. Disease S/S include salt cravings, hyperpigmentation, muscle weakness, and weight loss
  3. 8. S/S include positive trousseau and Chvostek's sign, tetany, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia
  4. 9. Medication to manage Diabetes Insipidus
  5. 10. S/S include osteoporosis, renal calculi, constipation, GI upset, and excessive urination
  6. 11. Syndrome S/S include moon face, buffalo hump, fragile skin, and hyperglycemia
  1. 1. S/S include bounding pulses, bulging eyes, heat intolerance, and weight loss
  2. 3. Medication to treat hypothyroidism
  3. 4. S/S include pale dry skin, puffy face, weight gain, and increased sensitivity to cold
  4. 5. S/S include fluid overload, weight gain, and hyponatremia
  5. 6. Insipidus S/S include increased thirst, increased urine output, and poor skin turgor