Alyssa and Eric

  1. 3. How they both drink their coffee
  2. 4. Location of their honeymoon
  3. 6. Their favorite place to travel
  4. 7. What Eric likes to do on weekends
  5. 9. First show they watched together: ____ minds
  6. 11. How many years they have been together
  7. 15. City Alyssa was born in
  8. 17. Location of their first date
  9. 18. Their favorite type of food
  1. 1. Company where Eric works
  2. 2. Where they first met
  3. 5. City Eric was born in
  4. 8. "T-C-U ____!"
  5. 9. Alyssa's favorite holiday
  6. 10. City where they went to college
  7. 12. Name of the mansion where they got engaged
  8. 13. Alyssa's favorite hockey team
  9. 14. How Eric gave Alyssa his number: ____ card
  10. 16. One of Winslow's nicknames