Alzheimer's Disease

  1. 2. How many stages of Alzheimer's are there?
  2. 4. most common form of what?
  3. 5. earliest sign of Alzheimer's disease
  4. 8. person taking care of the patient
  5. 11. the most common cause of dementia
  6. 12. clumps of beta-amyloid are known as what?
  1. 1. ____________ inhibitors increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain
  2. 3. improve the _________ in your home for Alzheimer's patients.
  3. 6. ___________slows progression of symptoms with moderate and severe Alzheimer's
  4. 7. no known _________
  5. 9. _________ are created by tau proteins
  6. 10. the only one true way to diagnose Alzheimer's disease