
  1. 3. Grey's _______
  2. 4. Amount of cu's in your name
  3. 5. Phase where you had purple hair
  4. 8. You sound like a ________
  5. 11. When I compliment you
  6. 13. Your favorite type of cake
  7. 14. Sour ________
  8. 15. YOU JUST DON'T ___ ME
  9. 17. "You're such a _______"
  10. 18. How do I tell you that I'm _____
  11. 19. Why don't you give me _________
  12. 20. We ____ up at (Time)
  1. 1. I lost my ____
  2. 2. Favorite Drink ____ Red
  3. 4. I don't feel like ________
  4. 6. perhaps; possibly
  5. 7. bs bdwr ____
  6. 9. Your favorite thing to do
  7. 10. ____ Green
  8. 12. Frank _____
  9. 16. # of Cats you want