Amanda’s Baby Shower

  1. 2. A common stuffed animal
  2. 3. Be crafty and string these colorful baubles together to make a necklace
  3. 6. Gardenia, Rose, Daisy, etc
  4. 7. Heidi’s favorite color
  5. 8. It’s how baby gets a seat at the table
  6. 10. Female rock band from the 70’s
  7. 13. Amanda is not having a boy
  8. 14. Long-legged bird bringing babies
  1. 1. Feeding time uses one of these
  2. 4. It lives in the ocean and can grow limbs back
  3. 5. A binky by another name
  4. 9. She’s going to be a big sister
  5. 11. A heavenly winged messenger
  6. 12. Colorful and generally sold by the spool