Amazing World of Camels

  1. 3. Camels have a pad of _____ on the bottom of its feet.
  2. 4. A camel can ________ 30 gallons of water.
  3. 6. All camels have a _______ or two on their back.
  4. 8. Camels breed in the spring.
  5. 10. A camel can _______ at 3 mph.
  6. 14. A camel has good _________.
  7. 15. A camel uses its ________ to eat.
  8. 16. The camels uses its _________ for traction in the sand.
  9. 17. A camel can ____ 40-50 years.
  10. 18. A camel's ____ long legs keep its body above the heat of the sand.
  11. 19. A camel uses its ______ to walk.
  1. 1. Camels prefer to ______ on hot days.
  2. 2. A camel's ____ are lined with hair for protection from blowing sand
  3. 5. A camel uses its ______ to smell.
  4. 7. Camels are _________.
  5. 9. Camels have a third _______ that moves sideways.
  6. 11. Camels are very ________.
  7. 12. A camel's body temperature is ______ than the dessert air.
  8. 13. A _______ can carry more than 900 pounds.
  9. 20. A camels _____ are large and protected from wind.