  1. 3. someone who cooks food
  2. 4. the drink a baby has
  3. 7. what a women is called when their having a baby
  4. 8. formal word for a girl
  5. 11. Fast food restaurant
  6. 15. object that babies bounce in
  7. 16. fish and chip...
  8. 17. Baby toy: on the end of a snakes tail
  1. 1. the name of the school you serve
  2. 2. what babies wear on their bottoms
  3. 3. the company you work for
  4. 5. cutlery you use. fork and...
  5. 6. your name
  6. 9. formal word for a boy
  7. 10. were a baby is born
  8. 11. 2 wheeled vehicle you ride
  9. 12. the name of a woman who has a baby
  10. 13. Another word for a young child
  11. 14. what a baby sits in when going out-and-about
  12. 18. good...