  1. 1. Screen aka: On Call Group Screen
  2. 3. always think______ on each call
  3. 7. The patients demographics and insurance should be _______
  4. 12. screen used to retrieve PAC info, directions, etc.
  5. 13. _____ and to the point. How each message to be written.
  6. 15. screen used to retrieve phone numbers and locations of facilities and depts.
  7. 16. Patient Appointment Center
  8. 19. number of items to include in each message
  9. 20. F8 used to do this
  10. 22. Window that will include directions for each help topic
  11. 24. #1 that we NEVER do this with the Pop Screen Info
  12. 25. used to toggle along the screen
  13. 26. #4 that we NEVER do with the Pop Screen Info
  14. 27. #3 that we NEVER do with the Pop Screen Info
  1. 2. What the On-Call Group screen is known as
  2. 4. used to retrieve info on Healthcare providers
  3. 5. screens used by PAC employees
  4. 6. F1 for Help Screens
  5. 8. each department is assigned this
  6. 9. ask _______ when needed during the call
  7. 10. clinics and specialties are divided into these
  8. 11. Screen which will outline each topic needed for each dept
  9. 14. F2 used to do this
  10. 17. will auto populate for each Call Group
  11. 18. used to clear any info you entered or the screen
  12. 21. where instructions for patients who will not be on time
  13. 23. #2 that we NEVER do with the Pop Screen Info