America in WWI

  1. 2. The practice of building an empire by taking over smaller countries
  2. 3. a canal built by the U.S. that connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
  3. 5. To cause another land to become an official part of the larger country
  4. 7. a british ocean-liner that was sunk by German subs with Americans on board
  5. 13. When countries promise to back up or support another country
  6. 17. The president during WWI was ____________ Wilson
  7. 18. The glorification of war
  8. 19. Wilson's attempt to create permanent world peace
  9. 20. The other name for World War I is the __________ War
  10. 22. a way that citizens could financially support America in the war. Essentially a loan.
  11. 23. Austria-Hungary declared war on _______________
  12. 24. to kill a political leader
  13. 25. a law during WWI that made it illegal to attempt to stop men from joining the army
  14. 27. 16 American battleships that sailed around the world to establish American sea power
  15. 28. ___________________ backed up Austria-Hungary
  1. 1. Annexed by the U.S. in 1898, it was the last territory to become a state
  2. 4. a policy of not taking sides in a conflict
  3. 6. information used to promote or influence a particular political cause or point of view.
  4. 8. the nickname for German submarines
  5. 9. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of foreign countries
  6. 10. the event where the King of Hawaii' was forced to give power to American business owners
  7. 11. he belief that your country is superior over other nations
  8. 12. England,France,& Russia were called The _________
  9. 14. The acronym for the Allied Expeditionary Force
  10. 15. Germany, Austria-Hungary, & The Ottoman Empire
  11. 16. the offence that finally brought America into WWI was the ________ Telegram
  12. 21. Teddy Roosevelts foreign policy
  13. 24. to incorporate a geographic area into the ownership of a country
  14. 26. The General and leader of the American Expedition Forces was John J. ________________