American and Chinese Post-Classical Civilizations

  1. 2. "tax" owed by conquered peoples of the Americas to their Aztec conquerors
  2. 10. island capital of the Aztec Empire
  3. 11. located in Central Mexico, conquered by Spaniards in 16th century AD
  4. 13. practiced by Mississippians, Toltec, Aztec, and Inca religion
  5. 15. unique Chinese practice of limiting mobility of women...thus more effectively asserting patriarchy
  6. 16. Inca system of record keeping based on knotted strings
  7. 18. the mountain range which was home to the Inca
  8. 19. Italian merchant who traveled to China...wrote on Chinese wealth and power
  9. 21. religion that was popular during Han China but became officially persecuted under the Tang and Song
  1. 1. built in the Tang era to link northern and southern Chinese agricultural zones
  2. 3. Chinese invention that greatly aided in easing trade practices, began concept of modern banking
  3. 4. labor system of the Inca where communities owed labor to the state
  4. 5. Aztec clan system, social hierarchy
  5. 6. Chinese ships, used compasses and armed with gunpowder weapons
  6. 7. culture of mound building peoples of N.America...influenced by Toltec
  7. 8. like those in East Asia, the Inca built these to farm mountainous terrain
  8. 9. Chinese philosophy of the Tang / Song period that focused on learning and personal morality
  9. 12. floating fields of the Aztec
  10. 14. first major militaristic Central Mexican at Tula
  11. 17. like the Romans, the Inca built ____ to manage their empire
  12. 20. both the Chinese and European craftsmen were regulated by these