American Characteristics

  1. 5. On what dollar bill can you find Alexander Hamilton's face?
  2. 6. The Dream all Americans have
  3. 8. The document that craved freedom on July 4th 1776
  4. 11. The consequence of the equality of opportunity
  5. 13. Another word for freedom, found in the Declaration of Independence
  6. 14. The genre of "Cabinet Battle #1" and "My Shot"
  7. 16. Finish the expression "The p....... of happiness"
  8. 17. the price of material wealth
  9. 19. The first American President
  10. 21. The catchy name for the men who signed the Declaration of Independence
  11. 23. The amount of colonies that signed the Declaration of Independence
  1. 1. The name of the song, Hamilton sings about the AmericanRevolutionaryWar
  2. 2. The official name for the 4th of July celebrations in America
  3. 3. The name of the hit hip-hop musical
  4. 4. an independent nation
  5. 7. the first name of Hamilton
  6. 9. The name of the "author" of the declaration of independence
  7. 10. Owning nice things
  8. 12. The consequence of freedom
  9. 15. Finish the value: equality of o.........y
  10. 18. The country America desperately wanted to "divorce"
  11. 20. The most important American value
  12. 22. The city where independence was won for the US