American Civil War (No Spaces)

  1. 2. _ were on the confederates side.
  2. 4. _ was when the civil war ended.
  3. 6. _ was the turning point.
  4. 7. _ were on the union.
  5. 11. _ was when the civil war started.
  6. 12. _ battles total.
  7. 14. _ thought you should not own slaves.
  8. 15. _ was the bloodiest war.
  9. 18. _ was a series of bills
  10. 19. _ was a novel published in 1852 what life was like being a slave.
  11. 20. The_ had more men and war materials
  1. 1. _ Leader of the union army
  2. 3. _ thought you shoud own slaves.
  3. 5. _ People died
  4. 8. _Was president during the civil war.
  5. 9. _ was the first battle.
  6. 10. _ was the leader of the confederate army
  7. 13. There were _ during the civil war.
  8. 16. _ was the first to leave the union.
  9. 17. _ major battles.