American Civil War

  1. 3. LEE General of Confederacy
  2. 5. RUN Site of first major battle.
  3. 6. A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
  4. 8. Abraham Lincoln’s political party
  5. 11. The Southern states which withdrew from the United States of America and formed an Independent state. They fought in the Civil War under the common name of the “Reds”. Slavery continued to be legal in these states. President was Jefferson Davis.
  6. 13. Act which outlines the fundamental principles which the laws and governance of a country are based on.
  7. 15. LINCOLN President of the Union
  1. 1. The Northern States which stayed as part of the United States of America. Slavery was illegal and they fought against the Confederacy in order to reunite all states. Were known as the “Blues” and were led by Abraham Lincoln, the president.
  2. 2. withdrawing of a state from the United States of America
  3. 4. Fort _____: Site of very first conflict in the Civil War at Charleston, South Carolina, essentially initiated warfare.
  4. 7. DAVIS President of the Confederacy
  5. 9. PROCLAMATION An Act introduced in 1863 which made slavery illegal in the secessionist states.
  6. 10. Site of major Civil War battle and famous Lincoln address.
  7. 11. Product of the south,in which the economy was dependent on
  8. 12. WAR A war between citizens of the same country.
  9. 14. GRANT Commander in chief of the Union armies in the latter part of the war.
  10. 16. Major set of battles which essentially decided defeat for South. Resulted in firing of General McClellan, the introduction of the Emancipation Proclamation and the withdrawal of the British from the Civil War.