American Dream

  1. 1. ... is the economic system which best fits to the American Dream.
  2. 4. The American Flag is called the Stars and...
  3. 10. The ... of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.
  4. 11. The Statue that many migrants saw when they arrived by boat.
  5. 12. July 4, 1776 is called "... Day"
  6. 13. The cowboy in western movies always rides ... towards the frontier.
  1. 2. A kind of man or woman that has reached success through hard work and effort (it has a hyphen in the middle).
  2. 3. The thirteen colonies got their independence from...
  3. 5. A person who comes to America from another country to live.
  4. 6. ...means that immigrants from many countries together form a new American people.
  5. 7. a person who leaves their country due to war or political/social conflict.
  6. 8. the three principles of Independence for the colonies were freedom, liberty and the pursuit of...
  7. 9. The capital of the US.