American Dream

  1. 5. What many people have for their future.
  2. 6. The Statue of...
  3. 7. Not alive
  4. 16. This leads you to the American Dream.
  5. 17. Determines how realistic a dream is.
  6. 19. A book by Zora Neale Hurston
  7. 20. This will help you achieve your American Dream.
  8. 21. A book by Lorraine Hansberry.
  9. 23. The most important part of America.
  10. 25. The chance to achieve your American Dream.
  11. 26. This is what people want for for themselves.
  12. 27. The opposite of pessimistic.
  13. 29. Achieving the American Dream is very...
  14. 30. A tool that can help you achieve your dream.
  1. 1. Many people's dream is to acquire...
  2. 2. To work through and continue on.
  3. 3. A strong foundation.
  4. 4. The effect of achieving your dreams.
  5. 8. What school gives you.
  6. 9. To be committed.
  7. 10. To be financially successful.
  8. 11. Not dead
  9. 12. To not give up.
  10. 13. The author of the "I Have A Dream" speech.
  11. 14. People get help from their friends and...
  12. 15. A book by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  13. 18. What stops many people from achieving their dreams.
  14. 22. A place for your family to live.
  15. 24. Not the past, not the present, but the...
  16. 28. Some people believe this can affect a person's ability to achieve their American Dream.