American Dream

  1. 1. The symbolic character representing the US (first word)
  2. 6. The thirteen colonies got their independence from ...
  3. 9. The symbolic character representing the US (second word)
  4. 10. The idea of being an individual.
  5. 12. The American flag is called "Stars and ..."
  6. 13. ... is the economic system which best fits to the American Dream.
  7. 14. Americans as a nation are sceptical about a strong ...
  8. 15. Manifest Destiny means that the US have the duty to bring ... to the world.
  9. 18. An Austrian actor who embodies the American Dream as a person.
  10. 20. People who belong to a strict christian protestantism
  11. 21. "Melting Pot" means that immigrants from many ... together form a new, American people.
  12. 22. The ... narrates that Moses led the Israelites to a new paradise called "Canaan"
  13. 23. The idea of the ... stands for the American ideal of always finding new challenges.
  1. 2. New ... is the name religious christians gave to America.
  2. 3. The ... of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.
  3. 4. The puritans don't like a.....
  4. 5. The word describes that many people man different cultures peacefully live together.
  5. 7. The capital of the US.
  6. 8. The puritans think that ... is a religious duty.
  7. 11. If you come from abroad and want to live in a new country, you are a ...
  8. 16. ... island is the place where the immigrants arrived first.
  9. 17. July 4, 1776 is called "... Day"
  10. 19. The cowboy in western movies always rides ... towards the frontier.