American Dream

  1. 3. In context of the space race JFK speaks of a new ...
  2. 7. What had Martin Luther King? A ...
  3. 8. How is the belief, that it was God-given to take in NA, called?
  4. 10. The American national personification
  5. 11. The first people to move westwards and settle down
  6. 12. What year was the Declaration of Independence written? 17...
  7. 13. A famous immigrant, who made it into politics
  8. 17. E ... unum
  9. 19. The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture
  1. 1. What year was the Constitution signed? 17...
  2. 2. A term for 4 times 20
  3. 4. The metaphor for a homogeneous mixture of nations
  4. 5. Which religious group shaped the young nation?
  5. 6. "Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär"
  6. 9. "Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to ..." - Samuel Adams
  7. 14. Black people fighting for their equality: ... Rights Movement
  8. 15. Where had immigrants have to sign in?
  9. 16. ... of happiness
  10. 18. The movement triggered by the Californian Dream
  11. 19. "That every citizen has a right to bear ... in defense of himself and the state" - Constitution