American Freedom Fighters

  1. 3. war fought by the US against communists in South Asia which ended in 1975
  2. 7. to fight in a way that does not hurt people
  3. 9. a time when Franklin D. Roosevelt was president and a lot of people lost their jobs
  4. 12. War between American Colonies and Great Britain which resulted in an independent America
  5. 14. a person who wanted integration of whites and African Americans
  6. 17. program introduced by Lyndon B. Johnson to reduce poverty and social integration
  7. 19. a person who fights for the right to vote, specially women
  8. 20. a concept to have different kinds of people in one group
  1. 1. The war between a lot of countries to defeat Hitler
  2. 2. a war where 2 groups of the same country fight against each other
  3. 4. the programs introduced during the Great Depression to help people
  4. 5. a law designed to make sure everyone gets to vote
  5. 6. organization to help African Americans
  6. 8. to make different kinds of people apart from each other and treat them differently
  7. 10. a secret group Paul Revere had joined that found interesting ways to fight the British
  8. 11. a person who moves from place to place to find a job
  9. 13. an organization formed after World War II to enforce international law and stop wars between countries
  10. 15. to refuse to take part in an activity because you don’t think it is right
  11. 16. rules that protect people’s freedom
  12. 18. when people stop working because they are not happy with their working conditions