American Gov. chapters 2-3

  1. 3. rule by the people.
  2. 6. Right of states to invalidate acts of Congress they believe to be illegal.
  3. 7. First ten amendments to the Constitution, which provide basic political rights.
  4. 8. Formal process of changing the Constitution.
  5. 12. Doctrine holding that state governments and the federal government have almost completely separate functions.
  6. 15. the fundamental law undergirding the structure of government.
  7. 18. Document Declaring independence from Great Britain.
  8. 20. Interprets the laws.
  9. 22. Government structure that authorizes each branch of government to share powers with the other branches.
  10. 25. Powers not expressly granted to Congress but added through the necessary and proper clause.
  11. 28. Government structure in which authority is divided among branches.
  12. 29. Authority of the president to block legislation passed by Congress. Congress can override a veto by a two-thirds majority in each chamber.
  13. 30. Enforces the laws.
  1. 1. Meeting in 1787 at which twelve states intended to revise the Articles of Confederation but ended up proposing an entirely new Constitution.
  2. 2. Form of government in which power derives from citizens, but public officials make policy and govern according to existing law.
  3. 4. The presidential electors, selected to represent the votes of their respective states, who meet every four years to cast the electoral votes for president and vice president.
  4. 5. Compromise on legislative representation whereby the lower chamber is based on population, and the upper chamber provides equal representation to the states.
  5. 9. Compromise over slavery at the Constitutional Convention that granted states extra representation in the House of Representatives based on their number of slaves at the ratio of three-fifths.
  6. 10. makes the laws.
  7. 11. Makes federal law supreme over state laws.
  8. 13. Form of democracy in which political power is exercised directly by citizens.
  9. 14. Initial governing authority of the United States, 1781–88.
  10. 16. View that states have strong independent authority to resist federal rules under the Constitution.
  11. 17. Powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution.
  12. 19. power retained by the states under the constitution.
  13. 21. To formally withdraw from a nation-state.
  14. 23. Those who opposed the new proposed Constitution during the ratification period.
  15. 24. System of government in which ultimate authority rests with the national government.
  16. 26. System of government in which ultimate authority rests with the regional governments.
  17. 27. Initially, those who supported the Constitution during the ratification period; later, the name of the political party established by supporters of Alexander Hamilton.