  1. 3. Leader of Jamestown
  2. 4. This guarantees our freedom speech, religion, & press
  3. 6. Crop grown for profit rather than individual use
  4. 8. Government where citizen rule through elected representatives
  5. 10. This is from whom the US purchased the Louisiana Territory
  6. 11. President Washington's speech recommending the US stays out of foreign affairs
  7. 13. Resistance group formed after Stamp Act was passed, led by Samuel Adams
  8. 15. The formal withdrawal of a state from the Union
  9. 16. This guarantees our right to bear arms
  10. 17. Laws passed in the South that discriminated against African Americans
  11. 19. Series of laws passed by Parliament to the control trade of its American colonies
  12. 20. Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
  13. 21. Religious group persecuted for its beliefs, settled in Pennsylvania
  14. 22. Abolished slavery
  15. 23. This made Jamestown a profitable enterprise
  16. 24. This freed all slaves in Confederate controlled areas
  17. 26. The passing of this ended Reconstruction
  18. 28. The first English settlement
  19. 31. This branch of government is described in Article II of the Constitution
  20. 34. Group that wanted to purify the Church of England
  21. 35. Name of Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction
  22. 36. This made Northerners responsible for helping return runaway slaves
  1. 1. Attack on this started the Civil War
  2. 2. The massacre here is said to have ended the era of Indian Wars
  3. 4. Granted citizenship to all persons born in the US
  4. 5. Economic system in which nations seek to increase their wealth and power by obtaining gold and silver
  5. 6. Group of Native Americans forcibly removed in Trail of Tears
  6. 7. This was the most central to the life and culture of Plains Indians
  7. 9. Connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes
  8. 10. Gave African Americans voting rights
  9. 12. This was the cargo carried along the Middle Passage of the Triangle Trade
  10. 14. This document states the purpose of government is to secure the natural rights for all people; written by Thomas Jefferson
  11. 18. The movement to end slavery
  12. 20. Invention by Eli Whitney
  13. 25. Three part strategy by which the Union proposed of how they would defeat the Confederacy
  14. 27. Favoring of native born Americans
  15. 29. Dispute between French and British which begun over land dispute rich fur trade area of Ohio River Valley
  16. 30. Supporters of the British during the American Revolution
  17. 32. Town where Lee surrendered to Grant
  18. 33. He led the raid on Harper's Ferry
  19. 37. This branch of government is described in Article I of the Constitution