American History II Final Exam Review

  1. 4. World War 2 began when Germany attacked this nation on September 1, 1939.
  2. 5. In which city was Martin Luther King assassinated?
  3. 9. American troops killed over 200 Vietnamese citizens at this village.
  4. 10. In which city did deputies and troopers put 70 voting rights marchers in the hospital?
  5. 12. Who was the first black man to attend the University of Mississippi?
  6. 13. Which federal program provides health insurance for low-income families?
  7. 16. The worst day of the 1929 stock market crash
  8. 17. The Allies dropped the first atomic bomb on this Japanese city.
  9. 18. What did critics call FDR’s plan to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court?
  10. 22. The idea there would be peace if the Allies gave in to Hitler’s “reasonable” demands.
  11. 24. These documents proved that the Johnson Administration didn’t tell the truth about Vietnam to the American public.
  12. 25. The Allies agreed to start this peacekeeping organization after World War 2.
  13. 29. This was a major offensive launched by the North Vietnamese Army on Vietnamese New Year.
  14. 30. The policy the United States took towards European wars in the 1930s.
  15. 31. Great Britain evacuated their army when it was surrounded in this French city.
  16. 33. Chemical used to strip leaves off of trees and plants in Vietnam.
  17. 34. The 24th amendment banned the use of these.
  18. 38. The Works Progress Administration built the high school in this Clarke County town.
  19. 40. Nickname given to FDR’s radio addresses.
  20. 41. Who killed President Kennedy’s suspected assassin?
  1. 1. An iconic photo shows American troops raising the flag on this Pacific island.
  2. 2. This act provided financial security for the elderly and the unemployed
  3. 3. Japanese suicide attacks during World War 2.
  4. 6. 2,500 American troops died on this beach on D-Day.
  5. 7. Nickname given to the communities of makeshift houses put up during the Great Depression.
  6. 8. In which city did 1,000 troops get called in to ensure 9 black students could attend Central High School?
  7. 9. The title of Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, means…
  8. 11. In 1931, Japan invaded this country.
  9. 14. A terrible time of drought that hit the Great Plains.
  10. 15. The United States placed people of this ethnic group in internment camps.
  11. 19. In which city did 200,000 people march for Civil Rights?
  12. 20. 800,000 troops died in a battle in this Soviet city.
  13. 21. FDR promised to make this kind of deal with the American people.
  14. 23. Jellied bombs used to clear forests in Vietnam.
  15. 26. In which city did the KKK bomb a church and kill 4 girls?
  16. 27. Which federal program provides health insurance for the elderly?
  17. 28. This group of veterans marched on Washington to demand that a promised payment be made early.
  18. 32. What was the nickname for the Allied invasion of Europe?
  19. 35. What type of protest did Civil Rights groups use to object to segregated lunch counters?
  20. 36. When the stock market is up for a long period of time.
  21. 37. FDR suffered from this debilitating disease.
  22. 39. German war criminals went on trial in this city