American History Unit 5 Vocab

  1. 1. 1823: John Quincy Adams wrote the doctrine that warned Europe to not try to colonize North or South America.
  2. 6. After Andrew Jackson won the battle of New Orleans, the War of 1812 ended. The federalist party faded until there was only one political party, so people thought the country was more peaceful.
  3. 8. 1830: A debate that started as a minor issue over land sales and uncovered a huge issue that showed the increase of sectionalism in the US. -Robert Hayne from the South believed states should have power to get rid of federal laws. -Daniel Webster from the South believed the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and US should be one unified nation.
  4. 9. Different areas have different beliefs and philosophies, like how the North states and South states had different beliefs that led to the Civil War.
  5. 10. Mcculloch, a national bank manager, sued the state of Maryland for being taxed. The Supreme Court declared that a state cannot tax a federal bank so Mcculloch won.
  6. 12. 1832: John C Calhoun believed that states should have the right to nullify a federal law if the state believed it would help them. This would cause the federal government to lose all power.
  7. 13. 1816: Congress voted in a new charter for the ___________ since the 1st charter expired.
  8. 17. 1838-1839: The removal of 15,000 Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole Indians west. A quarter of them died along the way because they did not have time to prepare for the journey.
  9. 18. 1821-1825: A 393-mile canal system that connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. It made shipping goods cheaper.
  10. 19. 1825-1829: He was the 6th President of the United States and wrote the Monroe Doctrine.
  1. 2. 1830: A law that let the Federal government to pay Native Americans to leave their land.
  2. 3. He was called the “Great Compromiser” because he developed the American System, wrote the Missouri Compromise, fixed the Nullification Crisis, predicted the annexation of Texas would cause war, and introduced the Compromise of 1850.
  3. 4. 1820: Congress allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state by creating Maine as a free state to keep an equal balance of free and slave states. It also separated the North states that didn’t allow slavery and the South states that allowed slavery by establishing a line of latitude that controlled slavery laws.
  4. 5. To withdraw from a nation of organization, like when the South states broke away from the US in the Civil War.
  5. 7. 1819: This treaty gave Spanish Florida and Oregon Country to the United States. The US gave parts of Texas to Spain.
  6. 11. 1828: A tariff made to protect industry in the northern states. The southern states called it this because they disliked them.
  7. 14. 1817-1825: He was the 5th President of the United States. He was Democratic-Republican but wanted a strong federal government (which was a federalist belief)
  8. 15. He was vice-president to Andrew Jackson, he had support from Southern states, his ideas led South Carolina to threaten secession during the Nullification Crisis, and believed that state governments should be stronger than the federal government.
  9. 16. 1829-1837: He was the 7th President of the US, he lead his men to win the Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812), he conquered Florida from Spain, he was a democrat, he wanted to remove Indians from their land, he killed the national bank, he did hire qualified people for government jobs, he vetoed most bills, he threatened to kill his vice-president, he ignored other branches of government and did what he wanted, and he expanded voting rights.
  10. 17. Taxes on imported goods that were made to protect American industry or to make money off foreign goods sold in the states.