american presidents

  1. 7. President prior to the Civil War
  2. 8. Won the election with just one electoral vote
  3. 10. Said "I am not fit for this office and never should have been here" and later died of a heart attack in office
  4. 12. 2nd VP of Nixon
  5. 13. President during World War 1
  6. 14. Saxophone playing president
  7. 17. Current president
  8. 18. Signed the Emancipation Proclomation
  9. 19. First president of color
  10. 22. Assassinated by an anarchist
  11. 25. President after Lincoln's assassination
  12. 30. Governor of Massachusetts, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, President of the Massachusetts Senate, Member of the Massachusetts Senate, Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts, and member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives
  13. 31. President during the Era of Good Feelings
  14. 32. Oldest president and still living
  15. 34. President during 9/11
  16. 36. Only president to have English as a second language
  17. 37. The person Teddy Bears are named after
  18. 39. General of the Army during World War 2
  19. 41. "Read. My. Lips. No new taxes"
  20. 42. President during the start of the Great Depression
  21. 43. Signed the Indian Removal Act
  22. 44. Daughter married Jefferson Davis
  1. 1. Signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  2. 2. The first president to be directly related to another president
  3. 3. Shortest serving president
  4. 4. "Mister Gorbachev, tear down that wall"
  5. 5. Assassinated by Charles J. Guieteau
  6. 6. President during most of the Civil Rights Movement
  7. 9. President during the Mexican-American War
  8. 11. Second president, VP of Washington
  9. 15. Only president to serve more than 2 terms
  10. 16. Bought the Louisiana Territory from France
  11. 20. Signed the Fugitive Slave Act
  12. 21. Dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan ending World War 2
  13. 23. President during most of the reconstruction period
  14. 24. Later became a Supreme Court Justice
  15. 26. Businessman and celebrity
  16. 27. Tyler Born in 1790, still has a living grandson
  17. 28. Most recent president to be assassinated
  18. 29. The first president to have his voice recorded and the first president to have electricity in the White House
  19. 31. President during the War of 1812
  20. 33. First president
  21. 35. Served two non-consecutive terms
  22. 38. Watergate Scandal president
  23. 40. Possibly born in Canada and not Vermont