American revolution & some states

  1. 2. it's called Little Rhody and is the smallest state (___ island)
  2. 3. if it avenues are named A, B, C & D, you are in _____ City
  3. 8. Writer of the Declaration
  4. 11. New York state capital
  5. 13. river in New York
  6. 14. a state with national parks (e.g. Acadia) and huge coastline
  7. 15. Day of independence in July
  1. 1. where you go to see all the major attractions in New York
  2. 4. City good for some tea time
  3. 5. made and engraving and also said the redcoats were coming (Paul ...)
  4. 6. Inventor, patriot, and ambassador, last name Franklin
  5. 7. its capital is Hartford and we know this state as Constitution state
  6. 9. Act that put a tax on all public documents
  7. 10. big avenue with shops east of Central Park
  8. 12. American patriots in Boston joined a group called the Sons of _____