Among The Betrayed Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Where Population Police find Nina after she escapes.
  2. 3. Children who were born after the second child were known as ___ children.
  3. 7. What Nina gets arrested for.
  4. 9. Oldest of the three other children that escape the prison with Nina.
  5. 11. Main character who gets arrested.
  6. 12. Guard that works at the prison for the Population Police.
  7. 13. What Nina had at night when thinking about the Population Police.
  8. 14. Author's last name.
  9. 16. In the end, Nina decided to ___ against the Population Police.
  10. 18. The Population Police would __ Nina if she did not cooperate.
  11. 19. Nina's real name.
  1. 1. What number child was Nina?
  2. 4. Place Nina and three others go after they escape the prison.
  3. 5. Nina did not want to ___ Alia, Matthias and Percy when the Population Police found them.
  4. 6. Hero for the cause of third children everywhere.
  5. 8. Youngest girl who escapes with Nina out of the prison.
  6. 10. Name of boy who Nina loved but betrayed her.
  7. 12. Time of day Nina got arrested.
  8. 15. What shadow children had to have so they did not get caught.
  9. 17. Number of kids per family that were allowed