Among the Hidden

  1. 3. complete destruction
  2. 4. by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt
  3. 5. make fun of someone by mocking them
  4. 7. merge or unite
  5. 8. anxious or jumpy about something
  6. 9. telling someone something to get them to do something
  7. 12. a long period of time without rain
  8. 13. clearing your throat loudly
  9. 14. an influence or power, especially in politics or business
  10. 15. a killing of a large group of people on purpose
  1. 1. In it's best condition
  2. 2. Something that is super hard to believe
  3. 6. a way you look at someone
  4. 10. in an admirably purposeful manner
  5. 11. Carry out a task badly or carelessly