Among the Hidden Crossword

  1. 2. to be put in a state of little or no sensibility
  2. 4. not being serious or just joking around
  3. 5. Big and bulky
  4. 7. to have the knowledge and experience
  5. 8. To merge or or put together
  6. 9. to make bad or ruin
  7. 12. Unable to believe
  8. 13. a place to set things down or display
  1. 1. a person who sneaks into someone's space
  2. 3. to make fun of or insult
  3. 4. Shy or uncertain
  4. 6. uncorrupted or unsullied
  5. 10. to purposely kill a large group of people
  6. 11. to be aware of ones surroundings