Among the Hidden Crossword

  1. 3. a long period of time where there is no water in a single place
  2. 6. total destruction (BOOM BOOM)
  3. 9. move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way in a specified direction
  4. 11. someone who goes in somewhere in secret
  5. 12. unable to do something
  6. 13. nervous or jumpy
  7. 15. to speak in a weird way
  1. 1. clear the throat noisily
  2. 2. a moment that made you feel dumb
  3. 4. talking in a joking way that sounds believable
  4. 5. an agricultural machine that cuts, threshes, and cleans a grain crop in one operation; a combine harvester
  5. 7. made fun of
  6. 8. multiple people killed at once
  7. 10. in the end
  8. 14. (of a person or object) large, heavy, or clumsy