among the hidden crossword

  1. 4. a sign of disbelief
  2. 8. to become stupid
  3. 11. a long period of time when its super dry
  4. 13. to give an item to someone for them to do something
  5. 15. to say something in a goofy way to be believable
  1. 1. to destroy/end
  2. 2. to sigh very loudly
  3. 3. to be nervous/scared
  4. 5. a machinery that cuts crops
  5. 6. to read someone's mind
  6. 7. to be heavy/strong
  7. 9. to be aware of your surroundings
  8. 10. to interrupt in a rude way
  9. 12. how an animal lives
  10. 14. to tease in a mean way