Among the Hidden Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Moving your shoulders to express ignorance.
  2. 3. To tremble or shiver
  3. 4. A vehicle used to live in
  4. 6. A person who travels places begging for items.
  5. 8. Moving quickly
  6. 11. Being rude with no hesitation
  7. 12. To signal someone to come with a gesture
  8. 13. Being certain or sure about something.
  9. 14. To sway off
  10. 15. Something that is heavy or big.
  11. 17. Strong determination
  1. 1. To refuse or disobey
  2. 2. Moving hurriedly
  3. 3. A pleasant taste, smell, or flavor.
  4. 4. A machine that cuts and cleans grain crops.
  5. 5. A strong gesture
  6. 7. A living area in a town.
  7. 9. To express dissatisfaction.
  8. 10. Feeling distrust or caution of something or someone.
  9. 16. At an elevated position or height.