Among the Hidden Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. how many people in a city
  2. 7. Where food is grown
  3. 9. opposite of real
  4. 10. what you eat
  5. 11. what you do when you have a book
  6. 14. law enforcement
  7. 16. what you do in track and field
  8. 17. the people who run the city
  9. 20. The main character or the book.
  10. 21. when you haven't ate in a while
  1. 1. what you see when the sun shines on you
  2. 2. another word for kid
  3. 3. Risky
  4. 4. Afraid
  5. 5. disappear
  6. 8. word for a very wealthy person
  7. 12. the action of being alert
  8. 13. animals that you keep
  9. 15. past tense for catch
  10. 16. Another word for protest
  11. 18. The person that the protagonist meets in the story
  12. 19. what school if for