Among The Hidden Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. smaller than average
  2. 3. make a gesture
  3. 5. tired
  4. 8. an area on the football field
  5. 9. crying
  6. 11. rough and harsh
  7. 12. large and heavy
  8. 14. move fast
  9. 17. lean with a bent back
  10. 20. scared
  11. 23. when someone wont change their attitude
  12. 24. whisper something
  13. 25. additional
  14. 26. not definitely
  15. 29. the lowest order of British nobility
  1. 1. used in place of whoever
  2. 2. exchanging things
  3. 4. extending beams
  4. 6. internal organs of an animal
  5. 7. weak
  6. 10. tremble convulsively
  7. 11. clear your throat
  8. 13. a short view
  9. 14. easily scared
  10. 15. evening meal
  11. 16. without enthusiasm
  12. 18. a material with canvas backing
  13. 19. a guilty expression
  14. 21. walk noisily
  15. 22. a small room for shoes
  16. 27. move slowly
  17. 28. high up