Among The Hidden Voc. 10-30

  1. 2. immense
  2. 7. organized production; developed
  3. 10. deep sincerity or seriousness
  4. 11. courtesy, behavior especially of man to woman
  5. 13. a belief, idea, or concept
  6. 14. crazy, insane
  7. 15. suffering, great mental or physical pain
  1. 1. steady, not moving
  2. 3. sharp contortion of the face, expressing pain
  3. 4. complete destruction
  4. 5. liquid moving without obstruction
  5. 6. planned extermination of an entire ethnic group
  6. 8. disturbed or upset
  7. 9. drastic wide-reaching food shortage
  8. 12. taken by force
  9. 15. highly trained, skillful
  10. 16. menacing; threatening