among the hidden

  1. 2. of numerical information.
  2. 4. belife or practice trusting in magic or chance.
  3. 6. type of government in wich individual differences are allowed.
  4. 7. eggs, salted and eaten as a delicacy.
  5. 9. computer user who is able to penétrate, carefully protected computer networks such as those of the government.
  6. 11. offered with the intention of influencing or inducing.
  7. 12. ban on a subject, action, behavior or the like imposed by a societal or religeus custom.
  8. 13. Little or not faith in human nature, disthrustful or contemtuous of other motives.
  9. 14. carefully, being alert and attentive.
  10. 16. quick journeyor side trip taken to fulfill a particular prupose.
  11. 17. burst of loud or bosterous laughter.
  1. 1. person employed to inspect something.
  2. 2. irregulary, or in a thinly scattered manner in time.
  3. 3. or opinión circulated among the public in order to persuade the population.
  4. 5. whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or región.
  5. 8. member of a nobel class, very powerfull.
  6. 10. thing, a person, or event that causes awe, admiration, or amazement.
  7. 15. quality of being fearless.