among the imposters

  1. 2. to hinder or prevent progress
  2. 4. sticky or damp
  3. 6. deeply upset
  4. 9. a mood that is intreging
  5. 12. a process that includes people with idea
  6. 14. a person who destroys thing on purpose
  7. 15. a third child
  1. 1. a third child that came out of hiding
  2. 3. a point against someone for a fault
  3. 5. a mood that is thankful
  4. 7. moving something to somewhere else
  5. 8. fallowing your steps backward
  6. 10. complex or intricate designs
  7. 11. a manner that suggests that someone is not worth consideration
  8. 13. to stare openly or stupidly