Among Us

  1. 4. The red button is to call a emergency _________ .
  2. 6. The good guys in Among Us are called ________ .
  3. 7. The map which is coming in April 2021 .
  4. 8. Place where you swipe the card and upload data .
  5. 9. _______ HQ is the smallest map in Among Us .
  6. 10. Place where the impostor sneaks through .
  7. 12. Only the impostor can do this thing .
  8. 14. The room you do scan in .
  9. 15. _______ is the coldest map and starts with a P .
  1. 1. The emergency meeting button is located in ________ .
  2. 2. When you see a dead body you ______ the body .
  3. 3. Task in Among Us ____________ data .
  4. 5. The person who kills players .
  5. 8. Task in Among Us : _____ engine output .
  6. 11. Most famous map in Among Us .
  7. 13. _______ can have a meltdown .