among us

  1. 3. has the highest melting point of all metalloids
  2. 5. doesn't have a flammable reaction
  3. 6. the ninth abundant element
  4. 8. known to the Greeks in 20 BC
  5. 9. its natural state is gas
  6. 13. children need zinc for growth
  7. 14. is non-magnetic
  8. 15. the name comes from Germany
  9. 17. discovered in 17714 by Carl Whilhel
  10. 18. 23rd most common element in the sun
  11. 21. was discovered twice
  1. 1. is not found in free nature
  2. 2. is found in the stars
  3. 4. is a metalloid
  4. 7. discovered in 2000 BC
  5. 10. was discovered in 1751
  6. 11. the sun makes 700 million tons of helium per sec
  7. 12. discovered in 1814 by William Ramsey
  8. 14. has a foul smell we dislike
  9. 16. easy to cut using a knife
  10. 19. steel could not be made
  11. 20. 26 neutrons in titanium