Among us

  1. 2. a color that is the opposite of black
  2. 4. where you can do emergency meetings
  3. 6. a color lighter than green
  4. 8. the killer's name
  5. 10. the steering room of the ship
  6. 12. a name that u know is safe
  7. 14. a color which people get confused in and say light blue
  8. 15. a color that starts with p but I am not pink
  9. 16. a color that is the opposite of white
  1. 1. something imposters use to go to places faster
  2. 3. the color that people sus the most
  3. 5. a room where u can clean the filter
  4. 7. where u fix the lights when it goes out
  5. 9. a visual task done in medbay
  6. 11. a room where you can track people
  7. 13. it has no vents u do wires and fill up the fuel what room
  8. 15. a color that starts with p but I am not purple