Among Us/Video Games Articles

  1. 4. an action taken to hinder or hurt an opponent
  2. 8. the ability to understand/share feelings
  3. 10. a person who gives money
  4. 11. to keep back or save for future use
  5. 13. widely recognized; generally accepted
  6. 15. hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront
  7. 16. commonly used, followed, or observed
  8. 17. something connected with events happening
  9. 18. to be extremely popular and full of energy
  10. 19. to be put off with no fixed end
  1. 1. to found, build, or bring into being
  2. 2. offered for sale
  3. 3. a conclusion reached by logical reasoning
  4. 5. the act of making less or reducing
  5. 6. something decided beforehand
  6. 7. disagreed with
  7. 9. unfriendly behavior
  8. 12. to make less sensitive
  9. 14. a means of expressing talents or energy
  10. 15. not named or identified