Amrit Saini Articles Crossword

  1. 3. You needed 9 out of 13 ___ to be able to pass an bills, but with all the cultures of the states being so different that was nearly impossible.
  2. 6. Problems they needed to revise about the articles (D____)
  3. 7. Articles were flawed because Congress couldn't ___
  4. 9. When the Articles were being used all the power was handed to the ____
  5. 11. The representatives sent out by the states to revise the government in 1787 in Philadelphia.
  6. 12. The states acted in their own _____(Two Words)
  7. 15. The Articles of ____ were the first government the United States had but failed because it was so weak
  8. 18. The articles were created during the ______(Two words)
  9. 20. The states wanted a weak central government to have as much ___ as possible (Hint: A____)
  1. 1. After the Articles was a bust the Constitutional Convention met in 1787 and revised the Articles and implemented the ____ in 1789
  2. 2. The articles were purposely made ___ so states had power and were able to be independent.
  3. 4. Alexander____ hated Congress because they didn't share his vision
  4. 5. The 1787 convention was remembered as the ____ Convention because they made a new plan for the government called the *constitution*
  5. 8. You needed ____ votes to pass amendments which was nearly impossible. (Hint: 13/13 votes is called U___)
  6. 10. The ____ of the Congress was very limited which made the articles so flawed.
  7. 13. States could pass ___ that could hurt merchants from the other colonies.
  8. 14. An underlying issue in America that overshadowed everything else (They were broke)
  9. 16. The states were able to print their own money causing ____ to happen.
  10. 17. ____ merchants benefited from the articles because they were able to sell their goods in American ports for cheaper making American consumers buy it more than locally produced goods.
  11. 19. The governments weren't able to pay the ___ because they couldn't tax the states.