Analysis and approaches Crossword

  1. 2. method for solving quadratic (evil)
  2. 3. taking away
  3. 8. put together
  4. 9. multiply by the same rate again and again
  5. 11. one over the a function
  6. 13. an inferential argument for a math statement
  7. 17. the process of finding the slop
  8. 18. question stem for finding values
  9. 19. goes on forever
  10. 22. how many __ in ___
  11. 23. starts at highest point
  12. 24. fancy term for plugging in
  13. 25. happen the variable is squared
  1. 1. Right trig acronym
  2. 4. slope
  3. 5. adding or subtracting the same value
  4. 6. like area but 3D
  5. 7. same as division but better
  6. 10. adding but with the same value
  7. 12. angles in terms of pi
  8. 14. defined for only a certain range
  9. 15. starts mid-line
  10. 16. where the graph cross the x axis
  11. 20. the result of a mathematical integration
  12. 21. 1.5(IQR)