Analytic Geometry

  1. 3. Turns a figure about a fixed position
  2. 4. The point at which two or more lines intersect cross
  3. 9. angles two angles whose sum is 90 degrees
  4. 10. pair Adjacent, supplementary angles
  5. 11. Segment
  6. 13. A segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of 2 sides
  7. 14. Property
  8. 15. One endpoint at the center of a circle
  9. 16. The points at an end of a line segment
  10. 17. The property of a polygon whose sides are all congruent
  11. 19. divides a segment or angle into two equal parts
  12. 21. four-sided polygon with both pairs of opposite sides
  1. 1. Theorem A right triangle two legs and a hypotenuse
  2. 2. Sides Sides that have the same relative position
  3. 5. A transformation that "flips" a figure
  4. 6. lines lie in the same plane and they do not intersect
  5. 7. Having the same size, shape and measure
  6. 8. Transformation that changes the size of a figure
  7. 12. lines Two lines in a plane that cross each other
  8. 18. space between two intersecting lines where they meet.
  9. 20. point and goes on forever in one direction