- 2. node of ranvier is found in?
- 4. Colle's fracture is found in?
- 7. what is the outermost layer of the eyes
- 8. bone that protect the brain
- 14. bone name of the tongue bone is?
- 15. allows the light to enter the eyeball
- 16. glenoid cavity is found in?
- 17. name of the sole bone kwon as?
- 18. reflex action is controlled by?
- 19. what is the structural and functional unit of nervous system
- 1. the only moveable bone of the skull
- 3. what is muscle of smiling
- 5. name the upper handle like part found in sternum?
- 6. muscles that supinates the forearm
- 7. connection between axon and dendrite is called?
- 9. does not divide because they do not have?
- 10. the longest bone in the body
- 11. it protect the heart,lung and organs
- 12. the total number of right upper limb are?
- 13. which cup lies at the junction of 3 bones of pelvic girdle?