- 3. The only cranial nerve to originate from the posterior aspect of the brainstem
- 5. This vein pierces the clavipectoral fascia
- 6. A congenital defect caused by the failiure to close neural tube at the cranial end
- 10. This bony region overlies the anterior devision of middle meningeal artery
- 12. This nerve pierces the coracobrachialis
- 15. condition in which apex of the heart is pointed toward the right side of the thorax
- 17. A strap muscle consists of two bellieswith an intermediate tendon
- 18. An abnormal lateral curvature of the vetebral column
- 19. A tract formed by a longitudinal thickening of fascia lata
- 20. A hand placed under the apex of the heart, slips to this sinus, when moving superiorly
- 1. A plexus of veins found within the spermatic cord
- 2. The periostium lining the bones that form orbit
- 4. This foramen connects lesser sac with the rest of peritoneal cavity
- 7. A synonym for visceral layer of serous pericardium
- 8. If air enters to pleural cavity, lung collapses due to its own elastic recoil.
- 9. large patches of lymphoid tissues, found in distal ileum
- 11. A muscle inserted into the lesser trochanter by a common tendon
- 13. Embryological remnant of this structure forms the median umbilical ligamnet
- 14. In a fracture, tenderness of this bone is felt over the Anatomical sniff box
- 16. A triangular shape ligament made from pia mater