Anatomy 2

  1. 3. The ______ _____ (2 words) contains 8-10 pints of blood
  2. 6. There are 31 pairs of these that extend from the spinal cord and are distrubted to the muslces and skin of the trunk and linbs
  3. 7. This division of the nervous system stimulates or speed up activity and prepares the body for stressful situations
  4. 9. This nerve (2 words) affects the the face, ears, neck, and parotid gland
  5. 11. This muscle turns the hand inward so the palm faces downward
  6. 12. The voluntary functions of the five senses are controlled by this section of the nervous system
  7. 16. These receive impulses from other neurons
  8. 17. The orbicularis oculi is the ring muscle of this
  9. 19. The fifth cranial nerve is known as this
  10. 21. This muscle draws the corner of hte mouth out and back, as in grinning
  11. 22. Sensory or afferent nerves carry these fro the sense organs to the brain where sensations of taste, smell, pain, touch, cold, heat and sight are recognized
  12. 23. This nerve affects the muscles of the mouth
  1. 1. The function of these nerves are to act as a sensory-motor nerve that supplies the fingers
  2. 2. This nerve affects the muscles of the chin and lower lip
  3. 3. The iliac crest is also called this
  4. 4. The part of the brain contains the thalamus and hypothalamus
  5. 5. The 7th cranial nerve is the ________motor nerve of the face
  6. 8. In a normal resting state, the ______ _____ (2 words) 72-80 times a minute
  7. 10. The _________ nervous system cause the internal regulation of impulses from the central nervous system to smooth muscles
  8. 13. The two major catergories of this system are central and peripheral
  9. 14. The muscle causes wrinkles above the brige of the nose
  10. 15. Primary structural units of the nervous system
  11. 18. Sends messages such as thought, hearing and sight
  12. 20. There are 12 of these nerves that arise from the base of the brain and the brain stem