
  1. 3. the protective tissue that lines internal and external body tissues
  2. 6. Uppermost and largest bone of the arm
  3. 7. The large, thick triangular-shaped muscle that covers the shoulder and lifts and turns the arm outward
  4. 8. The muscle of the cheek between the upper and lower jaw that compresses the cheeks and expels air
  5. 9. Bone that forms the forehead
  6. 10. Study of structure, function, and disease of the muscles
  7. 11. Another name for integumentary system
  8. 12. Muscles involved in bending or flexing the wrist
  9. 16. Tissue tissue that binds, supports, and protects body structures, i.e. cartilage, tendons, fat, blood
  10. 17. Bones that form the sides and top of cranium
  11. 18. Bones that form side of head in ear region
  1. 1. The largest and strongest bone of the face
  2. 2. Muscles that turns the hand outward and Palm upward
  3. 4. Cells are made up of a colorless, jellylike substance
  4. 5. Muscles located at base of each digit that separate fingers
  5. 8. muscle of the front and inner side of the upper arm
  6. 13. Hindmost bone of the skill
  7. 14. Tissue that carries messages to and from brain; controls coordinates of all bodily functions
  8. 15. study of body structure
  9. 19. Structures of body designed to accomplish specific functions