
  1. 1. Learning and memory
  2. 4. Neurotransmitter linked to Alertness and Arousal - Rest and Digest
  3. 5. reduces pain
  4. 7. an acquired resistance to a drug
  5. 10. resting state of a neuron
  6. 11. Fight or Flight - Increases heart rate
  7. 12. Melatonin production
  8. 14. hitting the breaks
  1. 2. a drug molecule that inhibits or blocks a NT's reaction
  2. 3. Muscle actions and attention
  3. 5. pressing the gas pedal
  4. 6. mood, sleep, hunger
  5. 8. refractory period
  6. 9. action potential
  7. 13. a drug molecule that acts to create an excititory signal