
  1. 3. Thigh bone
  2. 4. Side of the head
  3. 5. The bone between the ribs
  4. 9. Between the arm and the forearm
  5. 11. Connects bones and muscles
  6. 12. Lower part of the torso, between abdomen and thighs
  7. 14. Connects bones to each other
  8. 15. Stores urine
  9. 17. Respiratory muscle
  10. 18. The system that enables the body's movement
  11. 19. The smaller part of the brain
  12. 20. Carries oxygenated blood
  1. 1. Home for the brain
  2. 2. Backbone is made of these
  3. 6. The bigger bone below the knee
  4. 7. The smallest blood vessels
  5. 8. The larger part of the brain
  6. 10. Food passes through this
  7. 13. The system that provides oxygen for the body
  8. 16. Filters waste out of blood