
  1. 4. (Score in American football)
  2. 5. (Hit that clears the baseball field)
  3. 9. (Stand for golf ball)
  4. 10. (Alpine skiing event)
  5. 11. (Snowboarding or skateboarding structure for tricks)
  6. 15. (Extra period to break a tie)
  7. 16. (Serve in tennis that is untouched by the receiver)
  8. 17. (Swimming style on the back)
  9. 19. (Retrieving missed shot in basketball)
  1. 1. (One under par in golf)
  2. 2. (Violation of rules in various sports)
  3. 3. (Last-second winning shot)
  4. 6. (Infraction in soccer for being ahead of the defense)
  5. 7. (Three goals in a single game)
  6. 8. (Forward player in soccer)
  7. 10. (Forceful basketball shot)
  8. 12. (Infraction in soccer)
  9. 13. (Disk used in ice hockey)
  10. 14. (Throwing event in track and field)
  11. 18. (Racquet sport played in an enclosed court)