- 3. growth releasing hormone
- 5. melatonin
- 7. parathyriod hormone
- 8. thymosin
- 10. reproducve hormone in females
- 11. coristol
- 12. affects releases of GnRH by hypothalamus
- 13. increases the retention of water by kidneys
- 14. increases protein and fat break down
- 15. increases blood calcium level
- 16. lowers blood gluose
- 17. insulin
- 18. growth hormone
- 1. reproductive hormone in males
- 2. increases growth in most tissues
- 4. estrogen
- 6. increases the release of GH
- 7. antidiuretic hormone
- 9. testosterone
- 13. epinephrine
- 19. increases the metabolic rate of most cells